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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Recipe: Yummy Yummy Chocolate Dip

Most people think about guacamole when it comes to pureeing avocados.
I use the super healthy fruit on a daily basis for tons of different things, from (ice) creams to puddings or spreads.

And a chocolate dip. Yes, chocolate dip!

It's so unbelievably easy and so yummy. Try it:

For 6 people I used 3 avocados, about 3 Tbsp of cocoa powder and raw honey (maple syrup would work just as well).
And for once I won't give exact measurements (as if I ever do :-) because it's really up to you how chocolaty and/or sweet you like it.

Just blend the avocados, add the cocoa powder and the honey, add more if needed, and voila - you got the richest, healthiest chocolate cream that I can imagine.

Arrange with slices of apples and enjoy!

P.S. I had some leftover and put it in an airtight container overnight. The next day it had hardened somewhat in the fridge and now it had the texture of rich chocolate mousse. Yum! I had the whole rest of it by myself in one setting!

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