Long time no hear... I've been so busy with stuff lately that I totally neglected my blog. Sorry!
Today I spent some time with my family checking out estate and moving sales. We're looking for some stuff and are always trying to buy second-hand, as we say in Europe.
In my case it's a Bernina sewing machine,or ideally sewing/embroidery machine, my husband is always looking for percussion stuff, and our boys are in the Star Wars mode at the moment.
A decent sewing machine at a private sale you might ask? Well, let me tell you my story about me and my sewing machines: I wanted to own one for the longest time and was waiting for one to just "fall in my lap". I got a vintage Singer from a fellow freecycler and couldn't be any happier.
But, the Singer and I, let's just say we didn't get along. Not at all. I spend quite some money on repairs and tune-ups, and still had a problem whenever I started a project, so the Singer had to go.

I love my machine. But since I'm expanding my sewing, I want to upgrade to a machine that can do more. So I keep my eyes open. And until I find one (and I will!), I look for vintage bedding and such to give them a new life.
Today I found a really nice bed skirt in pink colors that will become beautiful doll cloths.
I also found this weird piece of fabric that I don't even know what it used to be. Heavy duty, white, with some velcro on it. I made a dust cover for my sewing machine, for the times when it's not sitting in the cabinet.
The point is don't just throw out unwanted things. Even if it has a hole, stain, or you just don't like it anymore - try to make something new out of it or find somebody who will do that. Or, if it's still usable, donate it, freecycle it, or even sell it. Let's keep it out of the landfill as long as we can!
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