The Forsythias are blooming, and that’s a good sign that it is time to start working on
your lawn. Remember, you can have a beautiful lawn without using chemicals that may
be harmful to health and the environment.
Six tips for a safer yard this spring:
1) Use eco-friendly, organic lawn care practices on your lawn.
View a step-by-step plan for doing it yourself
2) Hire an eco-friendly, organic lawn care service:
Email Safe Yards Montclair for a list of such local services at
Please first review their suggested questions to ask the services you contact to ensure
that they meet your needs.
3) Find out what is in the lawn chemicals you use
(or that your service uses).
Read the label or ask your service for the ingredient names. Then do your own research
on the toxicity and environmental effects. See the lists here.
4) Be a good neighbor:
a. When you put synthetic pesticides on your front yard yourself, your neighbors might
not know they are there. Put a sign on your front yard, so your neighbors won’t let their
dogs sniff your lawn or kids play on it. And, don’t let the chemicals run-off onto the
b. Let your neighbor know when your lawn service will be spraying pesticides
(if they do that). The spray can drift inside their homes without warning (and inside your
home as well).
5) Read the label directions carefully if you purchase lawn
products yourself.
Don’t put more product on your lawn than suggested by the manufacturer.
You can damage your soil and add excess chemicals into the environment.
6) Take off your shoes.
Some studies suggest that lawn chemicals can be tracked into your home and found
on floors and carpets.*
Did you know that Quebec and Ontario, Canada have completely banned the sale of
synthetic pesticides? 40 New Jersey towns have gone pesticide free on their public
parks to reduce everyone’s exposure. And this year, New Jersey passed the nation's
strongest fertilizer law that restricts the use of chemical fertilizers.
As residents, we can look for ways to reduce our own usage this spring to help protect
our drinking water, health, and the environment.
Join SafeYardsMontclair in taking the Safe Yards Challenge at and learn ways
you can contribute to pesticide reduction in New Jersey. One yard at a time.
Enjoy the spring weather!
Thank you so much! Yours is very interesting as well!